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Student Reviews


Full of knowledge and useful information, suggestion for lesson plan and ideas for support learning. The knowledge, as mother and "home" teacher was incomplete, after this course I'm feel more comfortable in these topics.

Catherine Streng

Catherine Streng

It was hard work but I learned a lot. Because of this it was well worth it and I am well on my way to succeeding in my goal to become an English teacher in Asia. Instead of being scared as I previously was, I am only a little bit nervous now that I have this experience under my belt.

Joseph Cachia

Joseph Cachia

It was a challenge for me as it been a long time since I had done any academic studying but the course was structured well overall as the course progressed I was relating more to what I was doing at school and implementing them and seeing results I could see my self-confidence growing thru the course.

Melissa Laurin

Melissa Laurin

The course was very informative and I really liked the fact that I could do the Work on my own time. That made less pressure and I could do my best work for the assignments.

* Disclaimer : Results may vary

140 Years AAHEA Logo
Asian Montessori Education (AME)
Childhood Education International
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
ECA Logo
European International University
International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)
National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE)
TESOL Canada
World Certification Institute
ASIC Accredited