5 Inexpensive Behavior Plan Rewards for Students
11th January 2022
‘A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary.’ – Thomas Carruthers
Certainly, teaching is intangible and academic, abstract and concrete, creative, and progressive. However, just like the teacher, students also need a kind of motivation to learn. Hence, to stimulate your young learners, try some effective behavior plan rewards.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) can help you do this along with the professional training from the primary teaching courses. PBIS is the essential factor of evolving a strong educational culture that meets the social and emotional learning (SEL) requirements of students.
Thankfully, there are a lot of inexpensive reward options that you can use. Moreover, it’s very important to discover the accurate behavior plan rewards for each learner and make sure that they’re reasonable.
Budget-Friendly Ideas for Classroom Rewards
Here are some of the inexpensive things that will work with your students ---
- Student’s Choice
As a skilled primary teacher, you can deliver your class with a lot of options. Or else, you can let your students pick the reward they would like. Indeed, this is a great way to have schoolchildren take ownership over their behaviors, as long as it is within the rules of the school. Students may also opt to watch their favorite music video, sit in a special seat, or write a letter to a friend.
- Field Day
Field day is also another fun encouragement that can be planned with just your class or the whole school! Field day is a great way to produce a day where learners can have systematized and unrestricted play. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports rewards can simply be used to contribute to the festivities!
- Games
Children love games! It can start from age-appropriate board games to many other games. This is a boundless and low-cost motivation that you can deliver in your class to reward your students for meeting opportunities. Games can be done as a school for your whole student body or throughout morning meetings for distinct students.
- Talent Show
Children love expressing themselves, isn’t it? How about creating a specific space where students can showcase their aptitudes or talents as a reward for meeting expectations? Try this as this is a low-cost reward and can happen right in your classroom!
- Lunch With a Staff
This is indeed a great, low-cost reward that students can earn. Also, students love having lunch with a friend! Make a simple coupon that enables them to have lunch with a friend in your classroom. When students get this reward, you can set up a time to have lunch with a staff member that the student selects.
Brownie Points
Apart from the above-mentioned ones, there are many inexpensive or free encouragements and rewards that educators can use for students ---
- Extra recess
- Students love to come to school super relaxed, try pajama day
- Kids love stickers and they make a great behavior plan reward
- Bookmarks are also a great behavior plan reward
- Give learners a pass for extra time on the computer
- Custom handmade gifts from schoolchildren
The Bottom Line
No matter what you select, ensure that it fits your budget and your students’ comforts! With Pre and Primary Teacher Training Courses, you will be able to manage a primary classroom in a more effective way. In fact, the PBIS rewards can support teachers and students to feel recognized for their hard work.
Written By : Victoria Lewis