Children Are Loving The Self-Directed Form Of Education

Change in Educational SystemsWho would have thought 2 years ago that the world's business could be run by sitting at home? Did anyone ever imagine that social gatherings would just be over the internet using multiple e-meeting platforms?

But every bit of all these has happened. Work from home is the new normal and educational systems have switched to online mode overnight. The lethal covid-19 has successfully managed to lock everyone inside their house.

Change in Educational systems:

This drastic change in the educational systems has enabled the children to think beyond the walls of the classrooms. Students have got a brilliant opportunity to deal with practical and logical problems.

Earlier, along with imparting knowledge, one of the major responsibilities of the teachers was to check on the progress status of the students. This new normal has empowered the teachers with another management skill- crowd control.

The teacher training courses have courses designed in a well-balanced pattern that has enabled the teachers to improve their teaching skills. They usually undergo a curriculum that covers all the necessities required to manage a classroom efficiently. Starting from optimizing the learning procedure to evaluating the scorecards, teachers experience all the real-life circumstances in these courses.

Learning at home:

One of the biggest impacts of this pandemic has been the beginning of a self-directed form of learning at learning. Basically, young learners who are habituated with the traditional form of education are the crucial victims of this new normal.

It has been observed that students are enjoying this pattern as they are no more bounded by a restricted form of curriculum. They can deal with real-life problems which thereby increase their analytical skills. Their logical and reasoning power is getting a hike, as a result, their development is more prominent.

Parents are also at home in this pandemic era. Hence, even in between their busy schedules they are getting some handsome quantity of time to spend with their children. They can look after the rate of development and can formulate ways that will polish up the skills of their kids even more.

Teachers, along with parents, are now opting for this method as one of the most effective ones in improving a child's mental as well as social skills.

Self-directed learning at home:

The process is simple yet exciting. The children get an ample amount of opportunities that they can utilize to develop their skills. The parents can be of great help in this situation.

There are certain fun-loving techniques that can be applied to promote the self-directed learning method. A self-directed learning process is completely a new but valuable dimension.

Learning mathematics in a brand new manner:

Adding four plus four equals eight is a common issue but generally the problems arise when kids begin tackling the fraction-based problems.

One of the most creative ways of learning fraction problems is using the cooking method. It sounds absolutely different but trusts me this process is exclusive and quite exotic. Well, everyone loves dessert and kids are big fans of the mouth-watering dessert dishes. Parents can help the kids understand the fraction by showing them how a two-third cup of flour looks like.

Measuring buckets are affordable and easily available and can be used perfectly for this method. They can also cut a cake into multiple slices and help them calculate the fraction with respect to the pieces being sliced.

Science is easy now:

Children should get a huge shoutout from their parents for discussing nature and its system. Science can never go beyond nature and therefore, admiring nature is one of the brilliant ways of studying science.

Parents can discuss with them how a water cycle forms. Also, the greenhouse effect, melting of polar ice caps can be a topic of conversation. The children will learn about the stuff that is hampering the stable status of the earth and will become cautious enough to stay refrain by them.

Books on extinct animals, rare species, and many other exciting topics are available in the market that grabs the attention of the children to a great extent. Such materials are highly precious.

Arts and entertainment:

Music is an important form of art which if utilized properly can be an excellent form of training. Suppose, a kid loves listening to rhymes. Parents can play a game where after listening to a rhyme, they can ask the child to compose one such. Thus it will gear up the level of creativity of the kid.

If a child loves to paint, he/she must color as many pictures as they want to. A painting done by the child irrespective of the color theme, monochromatic, vibrant, low-key, or pastel, will always make sure that he/she is capable of thinking with deep concentration.

Crafting is another trait that plays a great role in developing a child's level of maturity. Given this pandemic scene, a teacher can conduct an online session for an hour and ask the students to create something using craft materials like paper, scissors, adhesive, sparkles, glitter pens, etc. Parents can encourage the students to create something of their own choice using clay.

Such creative sessions will always help the child to think strategically. They will follow certain steps to reach their goal. Hence, a sense of planning ahead of starting a project will get nurtured in their minds.

Real-life skills:

This will be a massive savior in the long run. It is always desirable that every child should be given a proper quantity of training that makes him/her self-dependent. Getting the exact amount of lessons in dealing with real-life situations will help them to develop problem-solving skills along with motor skills.

Let's say, a child loves reading fairy tales, and needless to say, every fairy tale ends with a beautiful moral. Taking care of household chores is a tedious job but small contributions from the kids can be mesmerizing.

If a child is being taught that cleanliness is always good for social, mental, and physical well-being via some moral stories, then he/she will think twice before messing up a place. Such lessons have proven to be highly effective in the case of a child's upbringing.

Don't be shy:

A kid never stops doing an activity that seems interesting to him/her. Until their curiosity is being fed, they do not give up. This kind of attitude and mentality is an utter necessity for the coming days.

In case the educators and parents remain confused about where to begin from, it is always advisable to ask the kids what do they love to do. Their answers will be the best guides to figure out what activity will be best for them.

The only sweet use of this critical pandemic is the self-learning process in a less-structured curriculum. Unlike the new normal, this new pattern of the educational system is bound to bring happiness to the children.

Student Reviews


Full of knowledge and useful information, suggestion for lesson plan and ideas for support learning. The knowledge, as mother and "home" teacher was incomplete, after this course I'm feel more comfortable in these topics.

Catherine Streng

Catherine Streng

It was hard work but I learned a lot. Because of this it was well worth it and I am well on my way to succeeding in my goal to become an English teacher in Asia. Instead of being scared as I previously was, I am only a little bit nervous now that I have this experience under my belt.

Joseph Cachia

Joseph Cachia

It was a challenge for me as it been a long time since I had done any academic studying but the course was structured well overall as the course progressed I was relating more to what I was doing at school and implementing them and seeing results I could see my self-confidence growing thru the course.

Melissa Laurin

Melissa Laurin

The course was very informative and I really liked the fact that I could do the Work on my own time. That made less pressure and I could do my best work for the assignments.

* Disclaimer : Results may vary

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